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Background to our CLT

The aim of the Burton Bradstock CLT Ltd is to provide affordable housing for people with a strong local connection to the village of Burton Bradstock. Future projects could involve taking on other similar developments or assets for the benefit of the community. The Burton Bradstock CLT Ltd is a Community Land Trust. There is a legal definition of a CLT. It must be:

  • Owned by the Community
  • For the benefit of that geographical Community
  • Not for personal profit

(Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 Part 2, Chapter 1, Clause 79.)

To ensure the CLT achieves this, the Burton Bradstock CLT has been registered as a Community Benefit Society and it needs members to join and help achieve its aims. Each member will have one, equal vote at general meetings, be able to put themselves forward as a board member and elect the board.

Anyone in the Parish may become shareholder members of the CLT. Unlike a share in a company, you will not ‘own’ part of the CLT and will not receive any payment from profits. The shares cannot rise in value but may lose value. You cannot sell them. There is no liability to Members beyond the initial investment of £1.

A Board of six local people has been elected  to take the work of the CLT forward.

Registered as a Community Benefit Society. Registration No. 7838

Meet the Board

Darren Batten

Darren Batten – Chair

We need to provide housing for younger people and families to keep the village vibrant and progressing. Open market housing is incredibly expensive for local working people and we risk becoming a village for the wealthy retired and second home owners. With no influx of younger working families, we would lose important community assets such as the School, Library, Post Office and pubs. We need the youngsters to attend the school, use the amenities, work in the pubs. They all need somewhere to live at a cost that reflects local salaries.

I look forward to leading the CLT in its quest to acquire land and ultimately deliver much needed affordable housing stock for the next generations.

Andrew Bailey

Andrew Bailey – Secretary

Having lived in Burton Bradstock for almost 50 years I have witnessed over that time of the difficulty for young local families and those working in the area to able to afford to live here.

By chance I happened to see a friend of mine on national TV describing how he had helped to set up a Community Land Trust in Toller Porcorum which had been given a suitable site on which 8 affordable homes have been built to meet the needs of young local families. This gave me the initiative to explore the possibility of setting up a Community Land Trust for Burton Bradstock. Following a well attended open meeting in the Village Hall, the Burton Bradstock Community Land Trust was set up with the expert help of Dave Dixon our first Chairperson and not least with guidance from Steve Watson and Alison Ward of the Wessex Community Land Trust Project.

Mike Green

Mike Green – Treasurer

Mike Green lives in Burton Bradstock and is the Treasurer to the CLT.

David Dixon

David Dixon   Board Member

As well as being a Board member of Burton Bradstock CLT David is a Director of Wessex Community Assets and a freelance consultant.

Collaborative environmental action has been at the heart of over 20 years working in the landscape sector, engaged with ambitious and innovative ecological and community engagement projects.

Recently David has been working with West Dorset Farmers in testing agro-ecological approaches to farming and exploring the use of natural materials in construction through the ‘Raise the Roof’ project led by Wessex Community Assets with funding from the Friends Provident Foundation.

Elaine Crooke photo

Elaine Crooke Board Member

Elaine Crooke lives in Burton Bradstock and is a member of the CLT Board.

Anne King

Anne  King     Board Member

I have lived in Burton Bradstock since 2014 and previously elsewhere in the Bride Valley. I am very well aware of how high local property prices and a lack of rental accommodation make it difficult, or impossible for young people in particular to be able to afford to live in this area. I am bringing my experience in communications and media relations to the CLT Board. Letting people know about it, getting support, and above all, finding a suitable site for a small development of housing for local people.

Why a Trust?

Community Land Trusts (CLTs) represent a new way of doing things. They are being set up across the country to help provide affordable homes and services for local people. By forming a partnership with a Housing Association, the CLT can lead a housing project and generate a long-term income whilst being protected from the risks involved. The community then has a financially viable Trust able to take on future projects for the benefit of that community. The main features about this new way of doing things are:

Land ownership — The CLT can secure the housing site in perpetuity for the community (with an option to take on full ownership of the properties from the Housing Association should the CLT ever wish to do so). The CLT will enter into a long term lease with the Housing Association and have an influence over important things like layout, design and occupancy.

Affordable homes for local people — Those with a strong local connection – through living or working in the parish, or having family there – have priority for the housing. This is enshrined in a legally binding agreement between the Community Land Trust, the Housing Association and the district council.

Access to grant funding — The creation of a CLT enables government grants to be obtained for community-led housing schemes.

Financial viability — The CLT obtains an income from ground rents sufficient to cover its running costs and provide a small income for other projects. The Trust is therefore financially sustainable.

Potential for other projects — The priority is land for affordable housing, in our case using the current housing needs survey to establish the number and mix of types. However, the scope of the Trust provides a vehicle for it to own, develop and protect other property and land if that is what the community wants.

Democratic — The Trust is a democratic organisation with membership open to anyone supporting its objectives.

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