The first, and most important project for the CLT is to find a suitable site!
A Community Land Trust is a great vehicle for delivering homes for local need. In setting up the Burton Bradstock CLT Board members have been clear that the urgency is to build a small number of high quality homes for people with a local connection who are unable to find suitable accommodation in the village.
It has been a frustrating couple of years for Burton Bradstock CLT – we have the vehicle to build local need housing, we have grant aid to kick start design and planning process. We know the scale and depth of the housing issue facing residents with connections to Burton Bradstock – Our open event in the Village Hall was well attended and we met with and heard from people in need of local housing; families in difficult situations wanting to bring up the next generation in the village.
With the help of Dorset Council we understand the level of local housing need in our community and have put people in touch with help registering their need on the new Dorset Council system.
As a CLT we are dependent on working with a local land owner who understands the need for affordable housing and is willing to work with the CLT to bring about a small housing scheme. To date, despite many conversations, we have not been able to find a landowner willing to work on local needs housing. But we are still looking and still hopeful!
Would a site like THIS work in Burton Bradstock?
Can you help us find a site?
The first issue faced by any Community Land Trust (CLT) is that of land availability…